Please note that cryptocurrency trading involves significant risk of loss. Do your own research and learn how to mitigate risks and preferably trade with small amounts of funds first. Invest in knowleadge, not the first memecoin you see. Any traded asset has external factors that could suddenly negatively affect its value, such as hacks, code exploits, scams, rug pulls, or pump and dump schemes. Past performance of a cryptocurrency is not a reliable indicator of future results. Listing of any asset on XeggeX is not an endorsement of the asset. We make no recommendations on what to buy, sell, or participate in. Exchanges are for trading, not for storing your funds as an online wallet. We do our best to have a very secure exchange, as we store most of the funds in cold wallets, but you should store your assets in your own wallet for safekeeping and deposit on exchanges only when neccesary. This is why we have very low withdraw fees. Not your vault, not your gold. Not your keys, not your bitcoin. Be careful and stay safe.